Our Services

Visitor Visa

Taking a holiday or visiting family and friends?

A visitor visa allows visits to New Zealand for upto 9 months for the purpose of holidays, sightseeing and family visits.

Arrange a consultation to discuss your eligibilty.

Family Category Visa

Want to join your New Zealand resident partner or move to be with your New Zealand resident parents?

If you meet the requirements you could be eligible for a partner or dependent child work or visitor visa.

Accredited Employer Work Visa

Want to work in New Zealand? If you have a job offer from an accredited employer, you may be able to apply for a work visa, contact us today for arrange an initial consultation

Family Category Residence

Gain residence as the partner or dependent child of a New Zealander, or move to be with your children.

There are options to gain residence through family, such as the Parent Category, Partnership Category and the Dependent Child Category.

Student Visa

Want to study in New Zealand?

Whether it is as the dependent of a work visa holder or as a fee paying international student, we can help you to apply for a student visa.

Skilled Migrant Residence

Have an offer of a skilled job in New Zealand? Work in a role on the green list, or in the care or transport sector?

The Skilled Migrant Category gives the opportunity for migrants in skilled or in demand roles to apply for residence.